Maths Facts: Number Bonds

Maths Facts: Number Bonds offers a good introduction to the concept of number bonding (while building the scaffolding for future work with bigger fact families). The multi-sensory approach that has young learners dragging numbers to complete a bond helps reinforce their building number sense. This app is particularly strong in the way it pairs with the Singapore Math curriculum familiar to students in schools that incorporate this curriculum

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Osmo Tangram

Tangram for Osmo is a great way for younger students to practice spatial awareness, symmetry, shapes, and design. We have multiple sets (enough for half groups) and can be checked out through the library.

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MAKE-10 is an app that also promotes early number sense. Because JK and SK students can begin practicing concepts of number bonding first using dots, then digits, it helps reinforce number sense rather than simple rote memorization.

  • Advantages 

levels can be adjusted to begin with “make 5” and then can increase in increments

  • Drawback

    the “Tetris” style game movement can at first overwhelm JK students who are just beginning with number recognition

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Match: Motion Math

This is a great tool for building number sense both within a single operation or across the spectrum of arithmetic. It is an app available on all JK-3 iPads.
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Zoom: Motion Math

This app, Zoom, is a great way of providing students with visual, interactive number lines. These number lines depict whole numbers, decimals, as well as positive and negative numbers, and is an app available on all iPads JK-2.

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Hungry Fish

Various levels throughout this app allow our earlier JK through 2nd-grade students help fortify their foundations in number bonding.
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